Photo: Suomen Tiedeseura
The Council of Finnish Academies office is located in Kaartinkaupunki district, Helsinki.
Street address
The Council of Finnish Academies
Pohjoinen makasiinikatu 7 A, 4th floor
00130 Helsinki
Postal address
The Council of Finnish Academies
Pohjoinen makasiinikatu 7 A
00130 Helsinki
Contact or personal addresses (below).

Academy Secretary is responsible for planning the Council’s activities and implementing the decisions of the Executive Committee. He is the head of the Council Secretariat and responsible for the cooperation with the National Committees and international scientific organizations.

Secretary coordinates the National Committees and advises them on state subsidy applying process and reporting. The Science Secretary is responsible for the communication of the Council and also coordinates the Council’s cooperation with the four science academies.

The Office Coordinator of the Finnish Society of Science and Letters serves as contact person for travels.