Time: Thursday 13.6.2019 12:00—14:00
Place: Eurooppasali, Malminkatu 16, Helsinki
European Academies’ Science Advisory Council (EASAC) has recently compiled policy reports on the health aspects of climate change and the potential of forest bioenergy for removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. The reports are introduced in this public discussion event, which is a unique possibility to get familiar with the science academies in Europe as well as their science advice activities on the EU level. Council of Finnish Academies (CoFA) is the national member of EASAC.
The following questions are raised and discussed: What kind of role do forest bioenergy and carbon capture and storage play in the climate change mitigation? What are the major health effects of climate change, and who is especially vulnerable? What are the most important health benefits of mitigation strategies in sectors such as energy, urban planning and food? What kind of policies are required on the EU level?
-Welcome words (CoFA Chair Jukka Meurman)
-Introduction to the joint work by the EU National Science Academies (EASAC president Thierry Courvoisier)
-Presentation of the EASAC policy report The imperative of climate action to protect human health in Europe (Robin Fears, Director of the EASAC Biosciences Programme), to be published in early June
-Presentation of the EASAC Commentary Forest bioenergy, carbon capture and storage, and carbon dioxide removal: an update (Michael Norton, Director of the EASAC Environment Programme)
-Comment speeches, followed by discussion with the audience:
Tanja Suni, Research Director of The Ministry of Environment
Juha S. Niemelä, Director-General, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry
The registration for the event is closed.
European Academies’ Science Advisory Council (EASAC)
The Council of Finnish Academies (CoFA)