The Awardee of the Finnish Science Academies’ Risto Pelkonen Human Rights Award is published on the World Press Freedom Day, 3 May. The event in Tiedekulma includes a panel discussion (in English) related to the current political and humanitarian crisis in Europe and its effects to the global science community.

The ongoing war in Ukraine has resulted a profound crisis to the global science community and to the freedom of research. The situation is discusssed on World Press Freedom Day, 3 May, in Tiedekulma (Helsinki) by speakers with tight connections to Belarus, Ukraine, and Russia.

The Awardee of the Finnish Science Academies’ Risto Pelkonen Human Rights Award is published at the event. The Award is granted for active efforts in promoting human rights in academic communities, and it is implemented in collaboration with Academy of Fine Arts of Uniarts Helsinki.

There is no pre-registration and the event is open to everyone. Welcome to Tiedekulma Stage or follow the event via this link.

The first part of the event is mainly in Finnish; the panel discussion is held in English.



The first part (17-17:40) mainly in Finnish:

Opening, Professor Markku Leskelä, The Council of Finnish Academies

Greetings from the Ministry, Chancellor Anita Lehikoinen, Ministry of Education and Culture

Finnish Science Academies’ Risto Pelkonen Human Rights Award, Professor Liisa Laakso

The second part (17:40-19) in English:

The panel discussion, Chair, Senior University Lecturer Emilia Palonen, University of Helsinki; Director of Funding Kalle Korhonen, Kone Foundation; Associate Professor Siarhei Liubimau, European Humanities University; Visiting researcher Olena Maslyukivska, University of Vaasa; Postdoctoral Researcher Margarita Zavadskaja, Aleksanteri Institute – Finnish Centre for Russian and East European Studies

Comment: Member of Parliament Mari Holopainen, Parliament of Finland