Tieteessä ja demokraattisessa päätöksenteossa on paljon samaa. Vertaisarvioinnissa vakuutetaan toiset tiedemiehet, poliittisessa keskustelussa asioita pohditaan julkisesti. Avoimuus on tärkeää sekä tutkimuksessa että demokratiassa. Yhdysvaltojen tiede- ja teknologianeuvonantaja Frances Colón, Helsingin yliopistolla 23.10.2014.


Yhdysvalloissa ulkoasiainministerin tieteellisen neuvonantajan toimisto perustettiin vuonna 2000. Nyt sen alaisuudessa toimii noin 130 tutkijaa eri aloilta ja toimisto konsultoi tarvittaessa tutkimuslaitoksia ja yliopistoja.


Ihannemaailmassani tutkijat bloggaisivat ja puhuisivat paitsi keskenään, myös suurelle yleisölle. Tutkijakoulutuksessa tulisi olla mukana myös tiedeviestintää. Mitä ymmärrettävämmin osaa esittää asiansa, sitä paremmin päättäjätkin sitä kuuntelevat. Yhdysvaltojen tiede- ja teknologianeuvonantaja Frances Colón, Helsingin yliopistolla 23.10.2014.


Tiedediplomatia on nykyään keskeinen voima globaalin terveyden, tiedepolitiikan ja ulkopolitiikan taustalla, AAAS:in toimitusjohtaja Alan Leshner, Rio de Janeiro, World Science Forum 11/2013.

Myös Suomi joutuu enenevissä määrin ottamaan huomioon tieteen tärkeän roolin keskeisten ongelmien, kuten ilmastonmuutoksen ja globaalien terveysriskien, ratkaisemisessa. Modernit yhteiskunnat ja taloudet perustuvat nyt tieteelle ja teknologialle enemmän kuin koskaan aiemmin ihmishistoriassa.

Muuttuvat tieteen käytännöt

Tieteestä on entistä useammin monitieteistä, yhteistyönä ja kansainvälisesti tehtävää. Tiedettä tehdään yhä harvemmin monotieteisesti, yhden tutkijan työnä ja ns. kansallisesti. Sellaiset valtiot, joissa rajoitetaan tieteellisen asiantuntijuuden ja datan liikettä jäävät yhä vahvemmin eristyksiin ja paitsi globaalien verkostojen tuottamista tieteellisistä ja taloudellisista innovaatioista.

Kansainvälinen tieteellinen yhteistyö yliopistojen, tiedeakatemioiden ja tutkimuslaitosten kesken edistää paitsi tiedettä ja globaalien ongelmien ratkaisua, niin myös vahvistaa diplomaattisia suhteita maiden välillä. Tieteellinen yhteistyö perustuu arvoille, jotka ylittävät politiikan, rajat sekä kulttuuri- ja kielierot. Tieteellisiä yhteisöjä määrittävät arvot, kuten ansioihin perustuva arviointi, kriittinen ajattelu ja läpinäkyvyys, ovat perustavanlaatuisia arvoja, jotka hyödyttävät koko globaalia yhteisöä.

Tiedediplomatia avaa uusia mahdollisuuksia tieteessä ja diplomatiassa

Tiedemiehet edustavat maataan, ikään kuin pienoisdiplomaatteina ratkoessaan ongelmia ulkomaalaisten kollegojensa kanssa. Yhdysvaltojen tiede- ja teknologianeuvonantaja Frances Colón, Helsingin yliopistolla 23.10.2014.

On lisääntyvä tarve syventää dialogia kansallisten hallitusten, kansainvälisten toimijoiden ja kansainvälisen tiedeyhteisön välillä. Tiedediplomatia voi auttaa meitä saavuttamaan tämä tavoite: tarjoamalla ensisijaisen tärkeää tietoa päätöksentekijöille, vahvistamalla kansainvälistä tieteellistä yhteistyötä ja auttamalla tutkijoita toimimaan ’mini-diplomaatteina’. Ulkoministeri Erkki Tuomioja, Tiedeakatemiain neuvottelukunnan ’tiedediplomatia ja arktinen’ -seminaarissa 3.3.2015.


Tiedediplomatia ei ole uusi asia. Se on kuitenkin aiempaa tarpeellisempaa, syvempää ja näkyvämpää ja sen merkitys tulee kasvamaan tulevina vuosina.

Kutakuinkin jokaisessa kansainvälisen politiikan ja ulkopolitiikan kysymyksessä on taustalla tieteeseen perustuvia komponentteja. Viimeaikaisia esimerkkejä tästä ovat kansainväliset keskustelut koskien ebola-epidemiaa ja ilmastonmuutosta. Nämä esimerkit osoittavat, että tieteellä on keskeinen rooli aikamme globaalien ongelmien ratkaisussa.

Tieteen hyödyt diplomatialle ja ulkopolitiikalle ovat verrattain selvät. Jotta tiedediplomatia olisi kestävää, tulee sen myös hyödyttää tiedeyhteisöä ja tutkijoita. Tiedediplomatia voi osaltaan edistää tieteen kansainvälistymistä ja tiedeyhteisön globalisoitumista. Globaalin tiedeyhteisön monimuotoisuus on voimavara tieteen kehitykselle maailmassa ja tutkijoiden verkostojen laajeneminen hyödyttää kaikkia.

Kumppanuuksia, mutta  -> Tieteen autonomia tärkeää ja keskeistä myös uskottavuudelle niin tiedeyhteisön, päätöksentekijöiden kuin suuren yleisönkin edessä. Euroopan komission presidentin tiedeneuvonantaja Anne Glover sai kokea karvaasti, että pelkkä epäilys liian likeisistä väleistä GMO-teollisuuteen heitti pitkän varjon hänen koko työnsä uskottavuuden päälle.


Ilmastonmuutos, energia, avaruushankkeet, turvallisuus, globaali terveys, luonnonvarojen suojelu… Monissa kunnianhimoisissa hankkeissa, kuten suurissa energiahankkeissa ja vaikka avaruustutkimuksessa tarvittavat resurssit ovat niin suuria, ettei mikään valtio voi toteuttaa niitä yksin. Yhteistyö myös mahdollistaa osaamisen ja riskien jakamisen.

Tiedediplomatia on ollut erityisen vahvaa Yhdysvalloissa ja Iso-Britanniassa, mutta se on tärkeää myös pienemmille valtioille. Kuten Uuden-Seelannin pääministerin tiedeneuvonantaja Peter Gluckman on todennut:

”Pienenä valtiona meidän täytyy kilpailla pysyäksemme relevantteina maailmassa, jossa meidät voidaan helposti unohtaa. Meidän täytyy osoittaa, että pienet maat voivat todella olla merkittäviä.”


The small advanced nations are typified by Israel, New Zealand, Singapore, and the Nordic countries. They have shown flexibility and nimbleness in restructuring their economies and their broader policy settings in comparison to the pace of change in many of the larger nations. Their smaller size allows them to engage relatively directly with stakeholders, including the public, and thereby they can be more agile. Furthermore, because their economies are small, they are more alert to—and able to engage more fully in—international trends and opportunities. Such countries are generally typified by well-developed science and innovation systems and, in a scientific sense, their contributions are disproportionately large compared to their small size. In addition, because of the lack of inertia, many have become early adopters of emerging technologies. They have thus become pilots for change and technological innovation on one hand and, on the other, exemplars for both larger nations and developing nations in how to use science and technology for economic advancement and therefore social advancement.

These advancements are critical, as there is an emerging cohort of common scientific and technologically based issues that countries in general face. These include climate change, synthetic biology, water recycling, and biosecurity. Solutions to these concerns, and related requirements of technology assessment and regulation, go beyond national boundaries because these problems and opportunities often have cross-jurisdictional impacts. In this context, the smaller nations are no less concerned than the larger nations.

Although the combined economic output of the twenty or so small industrialized nations with a population of less than 20 million exceeds that of China (1.3 billion people), they are afforded little weight in international forums. At G20 meetings, their perspectives are incorporated only if they are members of the European Union. Moreover, at the arguably most significant forum of science policy makers and strategists, the Carnegie Group, small nations are not specifically represented except via their EU involvement. The national interests of the small advanced economies require that they give significant effort to projecting their capacities and capabilities alongside those of the larger nations. This paper reflects on the challenges of science and diplomacy from the perspective of one of these small countries, New Zealand.

The national interests of the small advanced economies require that they give significant effort to projecting their capacities and capabilities alongside those of the larger nations.

New Zealand has a population of about 4.5 million. Over the last thirty years, it has expanded its focus from exporting food primarily to Europe to also being deeply engaged in exporting food to Asia. New Zealand’s economy, while diversifying, remains very much based on the export of high quality and safe food products. This is accompanied by heavy investment in agricultural and food sciences and a commitment to related areas, such as biosecurity science and food safety science. In addition, services exports, particularly in education and engineering, are growing parts of the economy. In the last decade there has also been the rapid emergence of the knowledge economy in areas ranging from digitally based filmmaking to pharmaceuticals. These higher-value technology-based products are the most rapidly growing part of the export sector.

Despite New Zealand’s challenges of size and distance, it has played a significant role in world affairs. One example has been through leadership in agricultural trade negotiations. Nearly two decades ago, New Zealand removed all agricultural subsidies and has been a strident negotiator for the removal of artificial barriers that limit agricultural access. Indeed it has been at the forefront of free trade agreements—it was the first western country to have a free trade agreement with China. The Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement, a free trade agreement initially between New Zealand, Singapore, Chile, and Brunei, is now at the core of a hoped-for major Pacific Rim free trade agreement.

Recently, New Zealand has started to reconstruct its science and innovation system and is paying considerable attention to defining the intervention logic for State investment in research. In contrast to larger economies, when small countries shift from commodity to higher-value exports, they often lack the capital markets to rapidly develop innovation as well as the skill sets required for marketing technology, as opposed to other commodities. Any success depends on early internationalization of the country’s science, through both the public and private sectors. Therefore, there is a need to identify synergistic relationships with foreign partners who can address some of the domestic deficiencies; thus mutually advantageous international partnerships can be created and, as such, they cannot be separated from the broader diplomatic agenda.

As a small country, New Zealand faces the fundamental problem of knowing that it cannot have the capabilities or capacities to undertake all domains of research in depth and the challenges of where to apply limited funds. One tension concerns the balance between research where the primary outcome is enhanced economic growth and research for other possible public-good outcomes. These other outcomes are very important—they range from those of a defensive nature (e.g., ensuring agricultural biosecurity) to enhancing social sciences to allow the Government to address the complex issues associated with being a young multicultural society. Promotion of public understanding of risk is an urgent requirement, as there is an inevitable and understandable tension between the demand for greater resources extraction and the desire to limit environmental damage. Similar to other countries, but perhaps somewhat more intensively, New Zealand is very conscious of its role as an environmental guardian, with environmental issues being reflected in intense public and political discourse and strong regulations.

In an attempt to give greater weight to the role of science in areas, including international relations, beyond policy relating to the support and funding of science, the position of Chief Science Advisor (CSA) to the Prime Minister was created in 2009. This was followed by the formation of an International Science and Innovation Coordination Committee (ISICC), which is now co-chaired by the CSA and the head of the Ministry of Science and Innovation (MSI). ISICC brings together the heads of the relevant agencies, including Foreign Affairs and Trade, to maximize the diplomatic and trade advantages associated with science and, conversely, to explore how diplomatic interests can assist the science and science-based innovation community. It is clear that there is considerable interplay and overlap between the three major types of interaction—namely science for diplomacy, science in diplomacy, and diplomacy for science—and that these take on a particular flavor in a small country such as New Zealand.

As New Zealand explores closer relationships with a number of nations, small and large, its disproportionate scientific output in certain key areas, such as agricultural, biosecurity, and biomedical science, helps build close and meaningful relationships more rapidly than otherwise would be achieved. Further, science diplomacy broadens the relationship beyond simple economic considerations. This is particularly evident when staff or students are exchanged, resulting in closer cultural understandings. Again, this is important to small countries that have real limitations in their capacity to project their identity. New Zealand has already witnessed the advantages of science diplomacy in international dealings, as the following cases will demonstrate.

In the 1980s, New Zealand introduced a total ban on nuclear power and nuclear weapons, which led to tension with the United States. The policy effectively precluded visits of the U.S. Navy, with nuclear-powered vessels in its fleet, and in turn led to suspension of the ANZUS (Australia, New Zealand, and the United States) security treaty as far as New Zealand is concerned. Two decades of some uncertainty in the relationship followed, when the word “ally” was studiously avoided in describing the U.S.-New Zealand relationship. Only in the last three years has real equanimity been restored, although New Zealand had previously committed troops to both Iraq and Afghanistan.

What is notable, however, is that during this time of relative distancing, science was used as a very effective diplomatic tool. Joint U.S.-New Zealand activities in support of Antarctic scientific operations continued on an amicable basis while differences elsewhere were being worked through. The main point of entry to the U.S. Antarctic activities is via McMurdo Station, which is only three kilometers from New Zealand’s Scott Base. Both bases are supported by a joint logistics facility located in Christchurch, New Zealand’s second largest city. This was home to U.S. military personnel supporting the Antarctic mission throughout the two decades. The science activities always remained well coordinated, and both countries worked closely throughout to protect the spirit of the Antarctic treaty and create a solid basis for rebuilding trust.

Because small nations have a differing geopolitical status, they can be catalysts for important multi-jurisdictional research and technological initiatives. The Global Research Alliance on Agricultural Greenhouse Gases (GRA) was a New Zealand initiative that was announced in relationship to the 2009 UN Climate Change conference in Copenhagen. It is now a formal alliance of thirty-three countries, including all the large economies and food producers, with the secretariat based in New Zealand. Its mission is very specific—to focus on research, development, and the extension of technologies and practices that will help deliver ways to grow more food (and more climate-resilient food systems) without growing greenhouse gas emissions. Globally these emissions are similar in volume to those from transport, and in developing countries they may make up more than 50 percent of emissions. New Zealand, because of its high dependence on agriculture on one hand and its non-transport energy supplies being already primarily renewable on the other, has a similar profile.

The GRA initially undertook a stock-take of relevant research under several headings with working parties chaired by different countries and is now encouraging coordinated research. The areas in which effort is focused are greenhouse gas production associated with paddy rice cultivation (co-chaired by Japan and Uruguay), with livestock farming (co-chaired by the Netherlands and New Zealand), and with croplands (co-chaired by the United States and Brazil) and two cross-cutting groups focused on soil carbon and nitrogen cycling and inventories and measurement, respectively. To accelerate progress, the New Zealand government provided funds to the GRA for it to issue Grand Challenges to support research in strategic areas to reduce emissions associated with pastoral farming in temperate conditions. In turn, this has encouraged some highly innovative transnational partnerships.

New Zealand’s role demonstrated that small nation leadership can promote international research. It shows how New Zealand can create sustained research projects of value to the developing world and how international research can, in turn, assist New Zealand.

Ninety percent of New Zealand’s primary industry products are exported and, as mentioned above, there is an absolute commitment to free trade in agriculture. At the same time, the country must maintain the very highest levels of biosecurity for imported products. For example, a foot and mouth epidemic would destroy a core component of the economy, and recently there has been an incursion of a bacterium that has devastated part of the important kiwifruit export industry.

New Zealand’s high level of vigilance to protect its borders is not only about keeping out agricultural threats; there is also a need to protect the country’s unique flora and fauna, which have evolved after eighty million years of geographical isolation. Such an obligation has been codified via New Zealand’s signing of the 1992 Convention on Biological Diversity. It is recognized that 40 percent of the endemic bird species have become extinct since the arrival of humans eight hundred years ago.

Thus there is an inherent conflict between unhindered trade and biosecurity compliance requirements that requires good use of science to resolve. Domestically and internationally, serious arguments occur about biosecurity being wrongly, ineptly, or cynically applied, often along with thinly veiled accusations of nontariff barriers. Even in a relationship as close as that between Australia and New Zealand, local politics and trade protectionism can converge to influence outcomes. The export of apples to Australia had been effectively blocked on the basis of a biosecurity argument for some eighty years and was only recently resolved in New Zealand’s favor at the World Trade Organization (WTO). Conversely, New Zealand is debating restrictions on the importation of some pig products and honey on the basis of possible biosecurity risks. The process of resolution is complex in dissecting out science from vested interests and biosecurity restrictions from protectionism, and has to be resolved using agreed-upon scientific and technical guidelines as negotiated in international agreements.

For New Zealand, its trade-based diplomacy is thus deeply rooted in the country’s science.

New Zealand has worked hard to ensure that science and science-based interpretation are central to international biosecurity conventions associated with international trading arrangements. For example, in the WTO Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures (known as the SPS Agreement), countries agree to ensure that any SPS measures are applied only to the extent necessary to protect human, animal, or plant life or health, and are not maintained without scientific evidence. For New Zealand, its trade-based diplomacy is thus deeply rooted in the country’s science.

As a small nation, New Zealand has a limited capacity to have diplomatic representation in countries beyond our trading partners. Certainly New Zealand has particular obligations to the small island states of the Pacific. Such countries have a common set of issues where science is important, including the provision of sustainable energy, maintaining management of fish stocks, responding to natural disasters, protecting biodiversity, addressing rising sea levels, and coping with high levels of noncommunicable disease. Donor nations increasingly need to work collectively to assist these small states. A further challenge for New Zealand and other donor countries is how to best help these nations—which have limited capacities to absorb and use technologies—to achieve greater robustness in a technological age, which is central to their future viability.

Beyond these Pacific states, a recent survey has shown that where New Zealand does not have significant trade exchange, the most intensive interactions are based on science. In a survey of our academic and research institutions, more than fifty of the less developed countries were identified where there are active research interactions involving New Zealand scientists. In none of those countries did we have resident diplomatic staff, making science perhaps the most visible part of New Zealand’s profile. This suggests that science is indeed a very important component of maintaining a global profile for small countries.

This paper has demonstrated that for a country such as New Zealand, the interplay between science and diplomacy has a different focus from that of larger nations, and in some ways it is even more important in projecting a small nation’s profile. With limited domestic resources, science frequently has an international dimension. Exploring opportunities to work jointly with other nations is a necessary part of building capabilities and relationships. In this respect, the lack of an effective and inclusive global science forum is limiting. As science becomes more global in its presentation, it is vital that small advanced nations are integrated into the processes that link science to innovation, economic growth, and environmental protection. Indeed, it is argued that small nations can play a disproportionately valuable role.


Diplomacy, Miliband observed, has long been premised on the idea of a ’balance of power’. It was a world in which the international system ”tended toward equilibrium and self-correction as states sought to balance each other’s economic and military strengths” in ways that followed the principles that framed Newtonian mechanics.

In contrast, ”a defining feature of our world today is the tendency toward uncertainty”, mirroring the world of quantum mechanics. Miliband pointed to the complex feedbacks that are driving climate change and the asymmetric tactics of terrorist organizations. Both are fuelling chronic uncertainty and instability across the global in dramatically different ways.

In contrast to the world of diplomacy in the 19th and 20th centuries, which was dominated by nation-states, Miliband noted that international relations today involve many players, including nongovernmental organizations, multinational corporations , the media and social networks, all of which ”constrain and shape the preferences and actions of states”. He suggested that this shift was akin ”to the move from Newtonian mechanics, predicated on globes in orbit around each other, to the world of quantum mechanics that sees a more subtle and complex interplay of different forces.”

This led Miliband to cite another emerging feature of international relations in the 21st century: interdependence. This, he said, resembles the ”shift in Newtonian science, modelled on discrete independent systems, to quantum mechanics that accepts that everything is interconnected.”

At a time of dramatic change, Miliband maintained that the world of international relations needs the world of science to help it address the most critical issues that we face.

”Scientific progress”, he contended, ”can achieve breakthroughs that diplomacy cannot match”, whether the issue is commercially viable carbon capture and storage systems to mitigate climate change, or the genetic improvement of crops to alleviate the spectre of hunger and poverty.

Science, he also observed, ”can help forge consensus where there is political division.” He cited the historic role of science in helping to create the verification regimes that made nuclear arms agreements possible during the Cold War, and the building of CERN in the 1950s that helped to build bridges among European nations following World War II. Miliband suggested that science could help ”break down barriers of the 21st century, particularly those between Western and Muslim-majority countries.”

In addition, Miliband noted that science has the power to ”shift debates and catalyse political action.” Such shifts, he noted, will be needed if we are to successfully address global environmental issues like climate change and biodiversity loss. In particular, scientific collaboration will be essential to better understand the risks and solutions related to the coming age of resource scarcity. ”Mobilizing action and preventing new tensions from arising” will depend in part on these efforts.

But having science support diplomacy is only one side of the equation, according to Miliband. On the other side of the equation, diplomacy can – and should – support science. This is true in the financing of large scientific projects that are too expensive for any one nation to fund. For example, the Human Genome Project, the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor and the Large Hadron Collider represent large-scale, multi-billion projects that require international collaboration and financing. On a smaller scale, diplomacy also plays a crucial role in the exchange of scientists and the profusion of ideas through visa regulations and intellectual property rights agreements.

All of this means that ”politics and science need to come closer together – not for politics to smother science, but instead to be informed by its potential.”

By Norman Neureiter

Science Diplomacy Around the World

I didn’t plan a trip around the world. It just turned out that way. But let me start from the beginning. In previous pieces for Bridges, I have written a lot about science diplomacy. The Japanese science community has, for several years, been very interested in the interaction of scientific research and foreign policy – the key elements of science diplomacy. Very recently the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs responded to this interest with the important decision to create inside the Ministry an office of science diplomacy – thus officially making science and science cooperation a recognized aspect of Japanese foreign policy. This decision came at a most propitious time.

For the past two years, Dr. Vaughan Turekian, the director of the AAAS Center for Science Diplomacy, has convened an international meeting named, in a highly flattering gesture to me, the Annual Neureiter Science Diplomacy Roundtable. The first one was in Washington, the second was held at The World Academy of Sciences (TWAS) in Trieste, Italy, and Japan organized the third on November 10-11 in Tokyo. The host institution was the National Graduate (Research) Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS) – a small, unique university with a large percentage of foreign students. The key drivers of the Roundtable were Dr. Tateo Arimoto, director of the Innovation, Science and Technology Policy Program at GRIPS and his deputy and advisor to the GRIPS president, Atsushi Sunami. Also represented from Japan were the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT); the Hitachi Corporation; the Japan Science and technology Agency (JST); the Bureau of Science, Technology and Innovation Policy in the Cabinet Office; the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science; the International Science Cooperation Division in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs; and, very interestingly, the Korean Scientists Association of Japan.

Southeast Asia was represented by Dr. Lukman Hakim, former chairman of the Indonesian Institute of Sciences, and Paul Harris, a visiting fellow at the Public Policy School at the Australia National University. From Korea came Dr. Dong-Pil Min, emeritus professor at Seoul University, and a member of the Scientific Advisory Board to the UN Secretary General. Dr. Valentin I. Sergienko, chairman of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (FEBRAS), represented Russian science. Additional participants were Romain Murenzi, executive director of the World Academy of Sciences (TWAS); Alan Leshner, the CEO of AAAS; and Peter Tindemans, the secretary general of Euroscience.

The meeting consisted of three sessions, one on ASEAN, one on Korea – both North and South – and one on Russia. It was very clear that there is considerable opportunity for more science cooperation with the ASEAN countries and Japan and South Korea.

While we were in Japan, there was a ten-person delegation from Japan in North Korea attempting to follow-up Prime Minister Abe’s offer of more cooperation (including in science) with North Korea. The condition was that more information had to be provided to Japan regarding people abducted from Japan by the North Koreans. At that point little, if any, new information had been provided and any improved relationship between North Korea and Japan remained elusive.

Were this to change, there would likely be considerable potential for science diplomacy with North Korea across a number of areas. It also appeared that cooperation even with South Korea was limited – perhaps reflecting the presently quite strained political relations between the two countries. There are some three million Koreans in Japan, and their loyalty has tended to be toward North Korea (DPRK). However, the behavior of the DPRK in threatening Japan and the financial sanctions against the DPRK have resulted in greatly curtailed financial aid coming from Japan, and cancellation of the ship connections that formerly existed.

There is currently still a desire of the Abe government in Japan to ease the restrictions with the DPRK, provided that more information on the abductees can be obtained. To date, however, there has been little progress.

I predict that science diplomacy initiatives by Japan can expand throughout the world – especially in the ASEAN region. It will be very interesting to see if there is some easing of tensions between Japan and North Korea and what science initiatives might be successful there. But it is far from certain that the abductee issue will be clarified to a level that will permit the Japanese Government to undertake a serious cooperative initiative toward North Korea.

I was also particularly interested in the vast range of activities described by Dr. Sergienko in the Russian Academy of Sciences in Vladivostok. He was expansive in describing the work at the Academy and seemed to welcome visits and possible cooperation. He extended an invitation and it is one that I would like to find time to accept in the not too distant future.

While preparing for the trip to Japan, it also became apparent that a long-delayed meeting of the board of the Indo-US Science and Technology Forum was going to take place on November 15, 2014. Though I had stepped down from the US co-chair position after 12 years, I still remained on the board. Furthermore, for the last 3-4 years the US staff support for the Forum had also been located at AAAS. So this Board meeting, at which there were a number of important issues to resolve, was very important for AAAS and my attendance was imperative. In addition, the US National Academy of Sciences (NAS) and the Indian National Science Academy (INSA) had finally agreed to hold a joint workshop in Delhi on the subject of Challenges of Emerging Infections and Global Health Safety. The dates were November 18-20, 2014 and I had been asked to be a member of the US delegation to that meeting as well.

I found out that one cannot fly non-stop from Tokyo to Delhi; one stop is essential and one of the most convenient is Seoul, the capital of South Korea. By coincidence, I had two reasons to stop in Seoul – one was to try to visit the Seoul office of the Pyongyang University of Science and Technology (PUST). This remarkable 600-student university in Pyongyang, North Korea, was built by its current president, President James (Chin Kyung) Kim. The Korean-American president coordinated the university with volunteer teachers, making English the only language of instruction, and relied on funds raised from contributions from around the world. It is remarkable that such an institution exists. It was officially dedicated in September 2010 with attendance growing in recent years to 600 – a mixture of graduate and undergraduate students.

I sent out emails, and when I arrived in Seoul and contacted the PUST office run by Dr. Kim’s son, Sam, I was told that his father had seen my email and was flying in to Seoul that afternoon and we could have dinner together that evening. That evening I got an update on the school’s progress, learning about the challenge western financial sanctions are creating for the funding of PUST operations, as well as the continuous expansion of the school. I was also told that some 14 North Korean students have already been able to attend a British University for up to one year. Donors have been found in the UK to make a limited number of such scholarships possible.

By the time I realized that I was circling the world halfway, I thought about going all the way around. I vaguely remembered the existence of an “around-the-world ticket” with a special fare. Not all airlines sell them – they are sold by Star Alliance, which is its own legal entity headquartered in Frankfurt, Germany, and handled by Lufthansa. A business class round-the-world ticket can actually cost less than a single round trip ticket from Washington to Tokyo or even to Delhi. One has to make at least four stops, with the flexibility of changing flights or adding cities at will with little additional cost as long as one continues going in the same direction.

That ticket provided another opportunity. Leaving late at night (actually at 3:30 a.m., the next day), I arrived in Frankfurt eight hours later and started a weekend there in which I joined a German friend in Heidelberg and traveled over the weekend to Strasbourg, France. There I pursued some history of the University of Strasbourg during the period of Nazi occupation during World War II.

Monday morning I took a shuttle bus to Frankfurt and then headed off to Vienna (no additional charge) to visit IIASA, the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, where I attended a session on possible research opportunities for IIASA in the Arctic and checked on my role as chairman of the IIASA endowment fund. IIASA’s Dr. Margaret Collins, on their Council for External Relations, and I made arrangements for flying to Brussels the next morning (again with no charge added to my ticket) to meet with the European Foundation Center – an institution with many European foundations as members. My goal was to gain a greater understanding of the nature and vitality of philanthropy in Europe. This was especially relevant as it might be a source of support to IIASA for research on the great problems of mankind such as energy, climate change, land use, poverty, and equity: Such are the substantive work arenas for IIASA. After one night in Brussels, I proceeded to take a flight to Boston, where my family met me for a Thanksgiving weekend. A short flight on Monday to Washington finally completed my first-ever trip around the world.


Who Needs Science Diplomacy Education and Training

Because science diplomacy has numerous aspects and encompasses a wide range of subjects—such as water diplomacy, climate policy, and arms control—professionals and interested students in sectors that are inherently international in nature and necessitate strong connections between technical and policy expertise (even beyond the more established areas of trade, environment and natural resources, and security) should benefit from some type of science diplomacy education and training. Who are these individuals, what are and where are they in their career paths, and why is this education and training valuable?

Foreign Ministries

  •   As governments no longer have the monopoly on the management of international affairs, all types of managers of globalization may serve diplomatic functions. They not only come from foreign ministries but also international organizations, NGOs, media, etc. It is more important that these diplomats understand the practice of diplomacy. For example, for S&T experts, such as academic or corporate scientists, to better understand and more effectively support the official diplomatic process, on-the-job training within a foreign ministry like the U.S. Department of State is important.
  •   American diplomats (the foreign service officers), who are typically generalists without a technical background, can benefit from a better understanding of how S&T can be a door opener and a game-changing force in diplomacy. The purpose is not to teach scientific knowledge, but to focus on developing an appreciation of S&T in foreign policy issues and practical links to the S&T community (e.g., research laboratories).Higher Education
  •   At one international relations school, graduate students are increasingly interested in S&T- related themes, such as energy, environment, and development, but they also traditionally have no formal underpinning in S&T as an undergraduate. While there are also increasing numbers of students with technical backgrounds, these students often have no background in policy and politics. Both groups of students would benefit from finding common ground together. After graduation, there is an increasing shift toward the private sector, with continued interest in the public and NGO sectors.
  •   At one S&T-focused university, there are increasing numbers of engineers interested in exposure to international security issues through a minor studies (at the undergraduate level) or specific programs in international affairs outside of research (at the postgraduate level).

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  •   International affairs undergraduates tend to be sensitive toward global issues, such as public health, which have an S&T basis. Those that have some S&T education may provide higher value to employers and can serve as a bridge to the scientific community. An important challenge is to overcome the non-science undergraduates’ often fear of science and develop a respect for science along with healthy skepticism. At one university, these undergraduates can have concentrations in areas of environment, health, security, or business development, and after graduation they go to consultancies, the intelligence sector, or development sector, or they obtain an advanced degree.
  •   The label “science diplomacy” may connote being science led, which is comfortable for scientists but may be discouraging to non-scientists.
  •   One new graduate program related to public policy and science expects students with a wide range of social science and natural science backgrounds. Graduates should have a toolkit for interventions, knowing where scientific knowledge can come from and how it can be used.
  •   Do not know the full extent of the “demand” for science diplomacy at the university level and may be able to create demand through currently non-existent programs and courses.Potential Action Steps

 Develop a framework for understanding how various groups may need science diplomacy education or training. Divided into professional diplomats; government and nongovernment scientists and other technical experts serving in formal diplomatic roles (e.g., at embassies); international relations professionals in the private sector or in NGOs who work in S&T-based issues; international affairs graduate students; international affairs undergraduates; S&T graduate students in global issues; and S&T undergraduates interested in global issues.

Resource and Topic Gaps

Certain S&T-related international relations issues have been well covered in areas such as international security, especially related to weapons of mass destruction. More recently, environmental science policy, water diplomacy, and other natural resource issues have also received attention. However, these are relatively narrow topics that are not necessarily presented in relation to one another. Given the pervasive nature of S&T, topics and resources can and should be directed at both a wide range of specialists and generalists in international relations.

  •   Need an analytical framework for science diplomacy, not just case studies, which can be applied to many types of issues and situations.
  •   From the perspective of scientists interested in global issues and diplomacy, need better understanding of the actors and organizations in international science and science diplomacy.
  •   Embed S&T in the diplomacy process and training (not theoretical). diplomacy.aaas.org 3
  •   In terms of development and diplomacy, topics to address include scalability from pilot projects to full-scale deployment, transmission of knowledge to implementation, deployment of business models and financing.
  •   Differentiate between “liberal arts” versus vocational/professional approach to teaching science diplomacy. Address how to think of problems, not what to think.
  •   While the defense component/driver of development/diplomacy solutions is well recognized, S&T is not explicit. Science diplomacy is an area that can bridge security/defense sectors and the traditional diplomatic sector.
  •   Incorporating “diplomacy” beyond nation-state, government-to-government relations.
  •   At one international relations school, economics is so dominant and pervasive that it is achallenge to also view issues through the lens of S&T.Potential Action Steps

 Develop an analytical framework that can reach across practitioners and theoreticians, diplomats and other international relations professionals, and scientists.

Providing Education and Training—Mechanisms, Programs, and Tools

The means to teach science diplomacy is intimately connected with who is learning (the “demand” discussed in the first session) and what is to be taught (discussed in the second session). Different institutions and programs from public policy and international affairs professional schools to foreign ministries can offer a spectrum of courses, workshops, and even laboratories that reflect their individual expertise and satisfy the needs of these international relations professionals. Graduate schools and programs offer individual courses, specialty seminars, and even entire degrees on various topics of science diplomacy. Diplomatic academies can help train a country’s diplomats in addressing S&T-related foreign policy priorities. Foreign ministries themselves can have on-the-job training programs.

 The Foreign Service Institute (FSI) of the U.S. Department of State focuses on training diplomats for their intended positions. FSI offers a two-week course in environmental, science, technology, and health (ESTH) responding to the needs of its client bureau to provide training to foreign service officers, who typically have liberal arts backgrounds, and foreign service nationals in support of their ESTH-related responsibilities at embassies. The survey course covers the major players in the United States and overseas, policy postures, and current state of negotiations on the latest issues. FSI also offers a three-day course on global health diplomacy that is open to non-Department of State organizations, including other executive agencies.

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  •   In Japan, the National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS) with Kyoto and Tokyo universities offers a joint graduate program in science, technology, and innovation related to governance, policy, and diplomacy.
  •   Undergraduate minors for science and engineering students, for example at Georgia Tech Nunn School and Georgetown.
  •   Georgia Tech Nunn School has a security program focused on doctorate level engineering and science students to spend one year outside of the laboratory learning about global public policy.
  •   At Princeton international policy aspects can be addressed within an engineering undergraduate dissertation.
  •   University College London is developing an entirely new program within the engineering school to prepare professionals to make evidence-based policy. Formal degrees range from Master of Professional Studies in science or engineering in public policy to various doctorates.
  •   In public health schools (e.g., Cornell, George Washington University) at the upper undergraduate and Master of Public Health levels, the focus is on practical training and providing a broader national security view that includes threats such as energy, food, and water insecurity.
  •   Elective graduate courses are offered at several universities, some focused on science students and some on international affairs students. For example, Rockefeller University offers a course for life science graduate students that addresses the global effects of biomedical research and its products and scientific cooperation between countries with difficult histories. Johns Hopkins SAIS and Georgetown offer elective graduate courses on S&T and international affairs to its students.
  •   Train both scientists and diplomats together. Co-design/co-development to address the complexity of the topic. Can benefit from other interdisciplinary subjects like sustainability science. Interdisciplinarity is at the heart of the water diplomacy program at Tufts.
  •   Diplomats, particularly those directly engaged on S&T-related issues, can benefit from wider exposure to the S&T community including visits to research laboratories and hands-on experience with technology.
  •   Mixing diplomacy practitioners (professionals) and theoreticians (academics).
  •   For undergraduate minors, student projects and problem-based curriculum are important.
  •   Internships for students and fellowships for professionals to learn and gain experience on the job not only in government but in international policy organizations.
  •   Use of simulations and team-building exercises with experts.

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Potential Action Steps

  •   Develop online overview course that can easily be accessed, taught, and scalable.
  •   To understand the landscape of science diplomacy and develop networks and make connections, generate a bibliography of courses and glossary of organizations (with URL links). Should have an organized structure. Can be created by community.
  •   Develop network for sharing resources and knowledge, such as case studies. These should be presented using a common template.

Science diplomacy is the use of scientific collaborations among nations to address common problems and to build constructive international partnerships. Many experts and groups use a variety of definitions for science diplomacy. However, science diplomacy has become an umbrella term to describe a number of formal or informal technical, research-based, academic or engineering exchanges.[fusion_builder_container hundred_percent=”yes” overflow=”visible”][fusion_builder_row][fusion_builder_column type=”1_1″ background_position=”left top” background_color=”” border_size=”” border_color=”” border_style=”solid” spacing=”yes” background_image=”” background_repeat=”no-repeat” padding=”” margin_top=”0px” margin_bottom=”0px” class=”” id=”” animation_type=”” animation_speed=”0.3″ animation_direction=”left” hide_on_mobile=”no” center_content=”no” min_height=”none”][1][2][3][4][5][6]

Types of activities[edit]

In January 2010, the Royal Society and the American Association for the Advancement of Science[7] noted that ”science diplomacy” refers to three main types of activities:

  • “Science in diplomacy”: Science can provide advice to inform and support foreign policy objectives.
  • “Diplomacy for science”: Diplomacy can facilitate international scientific cooperation.
  • ”Science for diplomacy”: Scientific cooperation can improve international relations.

Before the term science diplomacy was coined, such initiatives—-in the United States—were often called “smart power” or “soft power” by those in the field. The term, “soft power,” was coined by Joseph Nye of Harvard University in a 1990 book, Bound to Lead: The Changing Nature of American Power.[8] In an editorial in the Washington Post that he cowrote with Richard Armitage, he said, ”In a changing world, the United States should become a smarter power by once again investing in the global good — by providing things that people and governments want but cannot attain without U.S. leadership. By complementing U.S. military and economic strength with greater investments in soft power, Washington can build the framework to tackle tough global challenges.”[9] His notion of ”smart power” became popular with the term’s use by members of the Clinton administration, and more recently the Obama Administration. However, the Obama Administration also uses the term science diplomacy.[10]

Bridging the World through Science[edit]

Science as a tool for diplomacy has been used for several decades and by many countries around the world.[11]

One of the earliest ventures in joint scientific cooperation was in 1931 with the creation of the International Council of Scientific Unions, now the International Council of Science (ICSU).[12] Through partnerships with international science unions and national science members, the ICSU focuses resources and tools towards the further development of scientific solutions to the world’s challenges such as climate change, sustainable development, polar research, and the universality of science.

The civilian scientific exchanges between the United States and the then Soviet Union throughout the Cold War provide another example of science diplomacy. These collaborations linked the two countries when official diplomatic connections were stalled.[13] Today, the U.S. and Russia work together on the International Space Station.

Another example is European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN). Following a series of meetings, UNESCO hearings and a formal ratification by 12 member nations—Belgium, Denmark, France, the Federal Republic of Germany, Greece, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and Yugoslavia— CERN was created. At present, CERN is run by 20 European member states,[14] but many non-European countries are also involved in different ways. Scientists from some 608 institutes and universities around the world use CERN’s facilities.[15]

Individuals who are not connected with the government have also practiced science diplomacy. For example, in 1957, American philanthropist Cyrus Eatonhosted a meeting of 22 scientists (seven from the United States, three each from the Soviet Union and Japan, two each from the United Kingdom and Canada, and one each from Australia, Austria, China, France, and Poland) in the village of Pugwash, Nova Scotia, Canada.[16] The stimulus for the gathering was a Manifesto issued in 1955 by Bertrand Russell and Albert Einstein—and signed by Max Born, Percy Bridgman, Leopold Infeld, Frédéric Joliot-Curie, Herman Muller, Linus Pauling, Cecil Powell, Joseph Rotblat and Hideki Yukawa—which called upon scientists of all political persuasions to assemble to discuss the threat posed to civilization by the advent of thermonuclear weapons.[17] The meetings eventually grew and gathered the attention of high level government officials. Since then, scientists have continued to gather at the Pugwash Conferences.

In 1967, the African Scientific Institute was created to help African scientists reach others through published materials, conferences, seminars and provide tools for those who lack them.[18] And in 1996, countries with interests in the Arctic came together to form the Arctic Council to discuss sustainable development and environmental protection.[19]

In the latter half of the century, the term ”science diplomacy” gained popularity during the Obama administration.[20] In 2009, President Barack Obama called for partnership during his “A New Beginning” speech in Cairo, Egypt.[21] These partnerships would include a greater focus on engagement of the Muslim world through science, technology, and innovation building and connecting scientists from the United States to scientists in Muslim-majority countries.[22]

Implementing science diplomacy[edit]

John F. Kennedy established a science and technology cooperation agreement with Japan in 1961 following appeals to repair the “broken dialogue” between the two countries’ intellectual communities after World War II. That agreement helped round out a tenuous relationship at the time rooted only in security concerns.[23]

In the 1970s, Henry Kissinger requested, and took, several science initiatives to his talks with China. These initiatives focused on areas in which both countries could participate; as evidenced in the Shanghai Communiqués. In 1979, when official diplomatic ties were established between China and the U.S., science played a big role in the shaping of renewed efforts. December 2010 marked the 30th anniversary of normalized relations between the United States and China.[24]

In the years following the end of the Cold War, U.S. Congressman George E. Brown Jr. was an outspoken champion of science and technology issues, particularly in international relations. As Chairman of the House Science Committee, Rep. Brown promoted conservation and renewable energy sources, technology transfer, sustainable development, environmental degradation, and an agency devoted to civilian technology when there were few listeners, and even fewer converts.[25] Consistent with his long-held conviction that the nation needed a coherent technology policy, Brown articulated his concept of a partnership between the public and private sectors to improve the nation’s competitiveness. His concern for demonstrating the practical applications of advances in science and technology laid the foundation for what became the U.S. Civilian Research & Development Foundation, later CRDF Global—a private non-profit organization initially established to promote bilateral science and technology collaborations between the U.S. and newly independent states of the former Soviet Union. Brown also helped establish the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, the Environmental Protection Agency, the (now defunct) Office of Technology Assessment and the first federal climate change research program in the Federal Climate Program Act of 1978.

Several U.S. Government agencies, including the White House [26] the State Department,[27] and USAID have science and technology offices and advisors to aid with developing and creating S&T outreach policy. These advisors are regular speakers (e.g., J. HoldrenE.W. Colglazier, A. Dehgan, in 2010 and 2011) at meetings[28] of the Science Diplomats Club of Washington, to strengthen links with foreign ”science diplomats”. E.W Colglazier and Alex Dehgan have also contributed to Science & Diplomacy.[29]

On March 12, 2010, Congressman Howard Berman (D-CA) and Congressman Jeff Fortenberry (R-NE) introduced the Global Science Program for Security, Competitiveness, and Diplomacy Act,[30] which proposed an increase in the application of science and scientific engagement in America’s foreign policy.

Additionally, several non-profit organizations in the United States have continued science diplomacy practices in their work. CRDF Global, in partnership with the U.S. Department of State, launched the Global Innovation through Science and Technology (GIST)[31] initiative in 2010 in Egypt with follow-up meetings in Malaysia and Morocco in 2011. In addition to the GIST Initiative, CRDF Global has been active in both the United States and in the Middle East on promoting science diplomacy through conferences, panel discussions and programs including the Iraqi Virtual Science LibraryMaghreb Virtual Science Library, and the Afghanistan Virtual Science Library.

The American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) established the Center for Science Diplomacy[32] whose goal is to use science and scientific cooperation to promote international understanding. “It approaches this goal by providing a forum for scientists, policy analysts, and policy-makers through whom they can share information and explore collaborative opportunities”. In March 2012, the center launched the quarterly publication Science & Diplomacy [33][34] Additionally, CRDF Global, the Partnership for a Secure America and AAAS have worked together on science diplomacy initiatives and events.[35][36][37] Others, such as the Science and Development Network (SciDev.Net) have dedicated an entire portion of their website for science diplomacy related articles, events and op-ed pieces.[38]

Why science diplomacy is important[edit]

In a speech at the 2008 Davos World Economic Forum, Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates, called for a new form of capitalism, that goes beyond traditional philanthropy and government aid. Citing examples ranging from the development of software for people who cannot read to developing vaccines at a price that Africans can afford, Gates noted that such projects “…provide a hint of what we can accomplish if people who are experts on needs in the developing world meet with scientists who understand what the breakthroughs are, whether it’s in software or drugs.” He suggested that we need to develop a new business model that would allow a combination of the motivation to help humanity and the profit motive to drive development. He called it “creative capitalism,” capitalism leavened by a pinch of idealism and altruistic desire to better the lot of others.[39]

Scientists and engineers have an important role to play in creating what New York Times columnist Tom Friedman calls a “flat world,” a world of economic opportunity made equal through electronic communication technologies.

UK Foreign Secretary David Miliband said, during the 2010 InterAcademy Panel of the British Royal Society, “The scientific world is fast becoming interdisciplinary, but the biggest interdisciplinary leap needed is to connect the worlds of science and politics.” [40]

Many of the global challenges related to health, economic growth, and climate change lay at the intersection of science and international relations.[41]

Mahdollisuuksien maailma

Suomalaiset arvostavat tiedettä ja ’uskovat tieteeseen’.

Lisäksi, suomalainen tiede on arvostettua ja suomalaiset huippututkijat ovat jo maailmalla. Esimerkkinä Peter Lund, Eva-Mari Aro. Neuvottelukunnan edustajat osallistuivat vuoden 2014 aikana aktiivisesti EASACin työhön ja neuvottelukunnalla olikin vahva edustus EASACin toimielimissä ja työryhmissä. Neuvottelukunta nimitti Eva-Mari Aron EASACin neuvottelukuntaan ja Peter Lund valittiin EASACin energiaohjausryhmän puheenjohtajaksi. Suomalaiset edustajat mm. osallistuivat asiantuntijoina puhtaasti tutkittuun tietoon perustuvien raporttien työstämiseen EU:n komission ja parlamentin päätöksenteon tukemiseksi ja näihin raportteihin perustuvien tiedepoliittisten kirjoitusten julkaisemiseen kansainvälisissä tiedelehdissä. Suomi myös otti ensimmäistä kertaa vastuulleen EASAC raportin koordinointitehtävät (tieteellinen koordinaattori Jaana Bäck) maatamme läheisesti koskevasta aiheesta ‘Boreaalisten metsien rooli ilmastomuutoksessa’ ja aloitti järjestelyt EASAC-energiatyöryhmän kokouksen pitämiseksi Suomalaisessa Tiedeakatemiassa keväällä 2015


Peter D. Gluckman, Stephen L. Goldson & Alan S. Beedle (2012). How a Small Country Can Use Science Diplomacy: A View from New Zealand, Science & Diplomacy, June 2012.

Robert D. Hormats (2012). Science Diplomacy and Twenty-First Century Statecraft, Science & Diplomacy,

Alan Leshner (2014). The Partnership of Scientists and Diplomats, Science & Diplomacy, December 2014.

Satu Lipponen / Tiedetoimittajien verkkosivut: Neuvotieteilijä neuvoo USA:n ulkoministeriä. http://www.tiedetoimittajat.fi/tag/tapaamisia/

Juha Merimaa / Helsingin yliopiston verkkosivut: Tiede on osa Yhdysvaltojen ulkopolitiiikkaa. https://university.helsinki.fi/fi/uutiset/tiede-on-osa-yhdysvaltojen-ulkopolitiikkaa

Vaughan C. Turekian & Norman P. Neureiter (2012). Science and Diplomacy: The Past as Prologue, Science & Diplomacy, March 2012.
